Essential Risk Management Strategies for Wealth Preservation
Preserving wealth requires more than just accumulating assets; it demands a strategic approach for minimizing risk to safeguard your financial legacy.
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Preserving wealth requires more than just accumulating assets; it demands a strategic approach for minimizing risk to safeguard your financial legacy.
Read MoreWhile you can never predict exactly what challenges you might face in the future, you can prepare for them now by getting your finances in order.
Read MoreHow would your family fare financially if you were to pass away unexpectedly? While this certainly is an uncomfortable topic to consider, making sure you have safeguards in place to protect your family if they were to lose your income is important and necessary.
Read MoreHere’s how to determine how much life insurance you need to adequately support your family in the case of your untimely death.
Read MoreThe Dowd Agencies has restructured its financial services division to provide more focused services to its clients. The former Dowd Financial Services has become two distinct divisions: Dowd Wealth Management and Dowd Employee Benefits.
Read MoreSaving is a key component of financial planning, but it’s only one part of the puzzle. If you are one of the many people without a financial plan, take some time this month, Financial Planning Month, to get on track.
Read MoreEach year, employers face the same old considerations with their group health insurance renewals, carriers, networks, plan designs, rates and employee demographics. Wouldn’t it be great to be able to think outside the box with a Self-Funded Captive option?
Read MoreThe Dowd Agencies, LLC, a leading insurance provider serving New England for over 115 years, has appointed Chief Financial Officer Jon D. Lumbra as the new managing partner of Dowd Financial Services. “This is a natural progression of responsibility and oversight for Jon,” said John E. Dowd, president and CEO. “He brings nearly two decades of experience in financial services
Read MoreYou may assume you will. That assumption could be a retirement planning risk. How long do you think you will work? Are you one of those baby boomers (or Gen Xers) who believes he or she can work past 65? Some pre-retirees are basing their entire retirement transition on that belief, and that could be financially perilous. In a new
Read MoreHOLYOKE, MA- The Dowd Agencies, a locally owned independent insurance agency is pleased to announce the appointment of R. Kirk Mackey* as President of Dowd Financial Services LLC (DFS) and its Employee Benefits Division effective February 1, 2013. DFS is a full service financial division of The Dowd Agencies, with over 50 years of combined expertise specializing in employee benefits.
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