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Auto Insurance: Why You Should Make It a Household Term

“Can I take the car tonight?” It’s one of those questions that virtually all parents anticipate, and that most ultimately will hear—time and again. The thought of your son or daughter behind the wheel of a vehicle may stir a mix of emotions, from anxiety and fear to excitement and relief. Although the nuances of auto insurance may not be

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Business Income Insurance – Coverage You Can’t Afford to skip

Have you ever watched a big storm or witnessed an accident on the news that you hope would never happen to you and your business? The truth is you never know when a natural disaster or accident will hit. If it does, is your bottom line covered? Business income coverage (also known as business interruption coverage), is protection against loss

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Are my visiting relatives covered under my auto insurance policy?

Picture this – it’s Thanksgiving and you have entire gaggle of family show up for the holidays, some by plane and some by car. While you are thrilled about your family visiting, chances are these out-of-town guests will ask to borrow your car for a last minute trip to the grocery store. You might want to hesitate before tossing them

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There’s No Place Like Home

There truly is no place like home, your own bed, your own space—but what happens when that oasis is damaged? Your home, whether it is a house or a condominium is likely to be your most valuable asset. That is why homeowners insurance is so important, you need to make sure you have the right insurance and that your policy

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Recovering from a Disaster

By John E. Dowd Jr. Change in the business environment is expected. From regional landscape shifts and government regulations to emerging technologies, international competition, and more, it’s important to consider all the reasons why and how to insure your business. And while some changes are predictable, others are not, but there are ways to plan for both. What if you

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What’s the Difference : Collision vs. Comprehensive Coverage?

What is the Difference Between Collision and Comprehensive Auto Insurance?  All automotive insurance policies are not created equal, and unlike liability coverage, both collision and comprehensive insurance are intended to pay for damage to your own vehicle. While all types of auto insurance are important, as a driver it is imperative to know how your policy protects your car. What

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October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month – Is Your Business Covered?

Throughout the past 10 years there has been a steady evolution of technology, with these technological advances has come an entirely new area of crime and risk. In the United States alone there were 781 data breaches in 2015, this number has increased from 324 in 2014. With each data leak there are thousands of personal and business files that

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How Much Money are You Willing to Spend on Insurance?

By: John E. Dowd, Jr In the world of insurance everyone knows that driving history can impact your insurance rates. What most people do not realize is that your insurance rates can go up because you decided to buy a new pair of shoes or a nice new grill for the summer months. This emerging tactic is called price optimization

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What You Don’t Know About Home Liability Coverage

By: John E. Dowd, Jr. With families preparing to host barbecues this summer or gearing up to take a weekend trip, it is important to understand that many insurance policies provide for liability coverage, even for certain accidents outside the home. Liability coverage is a typical component of a homeowner’s insurance policy. While no one expects to be held liable

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Top Three Reasons to Combine Your Insurance Policies

By: John E. Dowd, Jr. Today our entire lives are bundled, we bundle our cable, internet, and phone, and just like shopping at Costco the idea of ordering in bulk or paying for multiple services through one provider brings the price down. The same can be said for insurance policies. Most Americans start driving under their parents insurance and although

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