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What to expect during an auto claims inspection

A simple process to ensure your claim is covered There is a reason why the phrase “accidents happen” is so cliché: because it’s so true. And when it comes to car accidents, it’s especially true on the icy roads of New England in fall and winter. If you’ve been fortunate enough to have never had a car accident, congratulations! Still,

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Reducing your risk of homeowner insurance hazards in fall and winter

An ounce of prevention may prevent a pound of headaches As the weather turns cooler—and in New England, downright cold—we spend more time in our homes, and the risk for some types of potentially catastrophic home damage increases. The two most common type of seasonal loss reported by homeowners in the fall and winter months are water and fire damage.

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Love that dirty water? Not when it’s in your home

3 misconceptions about flood insurance In Massachusetts, we enjoy the classic rock hit “Dirty Water,” especially during baseball season in the summer. But it’s a whole different story when that dirty water invades your home. According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), flooding is the most common natural disaster in the United States, affecting every region and state. Yet

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Born to be wild? Check your motorcycle insurance first

Before you get your motor runnin’ and head out on the highway, do you know if you have the right insurance coverage for your motorcycle? The answer may not be as simple as you think. Coverage requirements vary by state. At a minimum, Massachusetts requires that you carry: Bodily injury to others with limits of $20,000 per person or $40,000

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Will You Really Be Able to Work Longer?

You may assume you will. That assumption could be a retirement planning risk. How long do you think you will work? Are you one of those baby boomers (or Gen Xers) who believes he or she can work past 65? Some pre-retirees are basing their entire retirement transition on that belief, and that could be financially perilous. In a new

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Everybody knows your name: the benefits of local insurance agents

If you watch any TV these days, it’s likely you’ve seen the commercials: all matter of wildlife, from ducks to geckos, pigeons to Snoopy, trying to sell you insurance from major national brands. They are often good for a chuckle, and lead you to believe that shopping for insurance is fun and simple­­––a matter of checking a few boxes on

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A personal message from John Dowd, president and CEO

Celebrating 35 years with the Dowd Agencies Forbes magazine noted that less than a third of family-owned businesses survive the transition from the first generation to the second, and fewer than 50 percent of those successfully transition to a third generation. We clearly broke this mold: The Dowd Insurance Agencies is a fourth-generation, family-owned, leading insurance provider that has had

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When the Dog Bites: Do You Have the Right Coverage?

We are a nation of pet-lovers. The ASPCA reports that approximately 78 million dogs are owned in the United States, and over 40 percent of all households have a dog. It may surprise you, but if you are one of them, it’s something you should talk to your insurance company about.

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National Insurance Awareness Day

3 ways to recognize the importance of this oft-overlooked essential National Insurance Awareness Day falls on Wednesday, June 28. No fireworks. No cookouts. No decorations. Let’s face it, thinking about insurance is not fun. But still, taking a few minutes to recognize this day could have a tremendous impact on your life, and the lives of your family members. Everyone

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Personal umbrella policies

What are they, and should you have one? Personal umbrella policies have grown in popularity, but they aren’t necessary for everyone. An umbrella policy protects you against a catastrophic liability loss. For example, a major car accident that injures many people or that causes permanent impairment or death may result in liability beyond what a typical automobile policy covers. An umbrella

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